- Kick 22 inch
- Rack Tom 13 inch
- Floor Tom 16 inches with legs (not side mounted**)
- Snare drum 14 x 5 1/2, I will have snare so this is just back up
- Standard drum sizes, thin shells
- Old Singerland or Gretsch types (60s or older)
Where possible single ply heads, ambassador clear on bass drum, coated on toms, no dampening and no click pad
- Preferred brand Istanbul Agop (30th Anniversary)
- Dark sounding cymbals
- Hi Hat 15' preferred
- Ride cymbal 22 preferred
- Crash cymbal 18 preferred
- 2 x straight cymbal stand (one should be able to go very low, no matter how puny it is)
- 2 snare stands
- Stool
- Hi Hat stand
- B D pedal
- Drum rug
- Two amps needed, ideally from the following list or similar
- Vibralux Super Reverb 40 w or more
- Music Man RD 110 50 watt or the 210
- Fender Twin reverb, from the 70s or similar
- One chair without arms
- Sound Engineer
- D.I.
- 2 adaptors for pedals from EU to local